Answer :
Prokaryotes fix atmospheric nitrogen.
Prokaryotes secrete chemicals that stimulate plant growth and protect plant roots from disease.
Nitrogen fixing bacteria in root nodules of leguminous plants helps to fix atmospheric nitrogen first to ammonia (a reaction catalysed by enzyme nitrogenase) and later nitrates in plants.
Activities of ammonia oxidizing bacteria e,g Nitosomonas, Nitrosococcus ( ammonia oxidizing Archaea) and Nitrites oxidizing bacteria e.g Nitrobacter, and Nitrospinas ( all prokaryotes) which convert ammonia to nitrites, nitrites to absorbable plants nitrates for protein synthesis ensures adequate supply of nitrogen, nitrates and protein for biochemical activities in plants.
Prokaryotes can also serve as microbial antagonsits and biofertilizers to plants. Streptomycyte spp with its metabolites has been used extensively to promote plants growths,because it increases productivity in plant tissues.And through its ability to produce antibiotic and volatile organic compounds against phytopathogens protects plants roots and leaves from diseases.
Thus collectively ability the ability to fix nitrogen for plant proteins, to protect from diseases, and increase productivity made prokaryotes to have good contributions to plants' health.