
Which sequence represents a deletion of this section of DNA?





Answer :

I apologize for before...kinda.


The following codons can be mutated by one base to produce an amber codon:

CAG    Gln

AAG    Lys

GAG    Glu

TCG    Ser

TTG    Leu

TGG    Trp

TAA    Stop

TAT    Tyr

TAC    Tyr

  From part a, CAG (Gln) and TGG (Trp) can become amber stop codons through EMS.  


 From part b, both of the resulting amber codons could be suppressed by amber nonsense suppressors generated by EMS.


   The codon is the three nucleotide sequence in the mRNA that indicates which amino acid should be incorporated in the growing polypeptide chain.  The anticodon is the complementary three nucleotide sequence in the appropriate tRNA.


 Template strand is the DNA strand off which the mRNA is synthesized.  The coding, or non-template, strand is the DNA strand complementary to the template strand; it has the same sequence (except for T for U substitutions) as the mRNA.

   The Pribnow box is a sequence of six nucleotides (TATAAT) positioned at -10 that signals where transcription initiation should begin in prokaryotic DNA.  The Shine-Dalgarno sequence is a short, purine-rich region in the mRNA that is complementary to the rRNA within the 16S ribosomal subunit.  The sequence signals which AUG acts as the translation start in mRNA.

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