Write a program that asks the user to enter a number within the range of 1 through 10. Use a switch statement to display the Roman numeral version of that number. Input Validation: Do not accept a number less than 1 or greater than 10. Prompts And Output Labels. Use the following prompt for input: "Enter a number in the range of 1 - 10: ". The output of the program should be just a Roman numeral, such as VII. CLASS NAMES. Your program class should be called RomanNumerals

Answer :


//import the Scanner class to enable user's input

import java.util.Scanner;

// Declare the class header with RomanNumerals as name

public class RomanNumerals {

   // Declare the main method where execution begins

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       //Instantiate an object of the Scanner class to allow user's to enter the number

       Scanner userinputscan = new Scanner(System.in);


       //Display a message to prompt the user to enter a number

       System.out.println("Enter a number in the range of 1 - 10");


       //Receive the number from the user and store in an int variable

       int usernumber = userinputscan.nextInt();



       //Start the switch statement using the usernumber

       switch (usernumber) {


           //Check if the number is 1

           //Display I

           //Then break out of the switch statement

           case 1 :  




           //If the number is 2

           //Display II

           //Then break out of the switch statement

           case 2 :




           //If the number is 3

           //Display III

           //Then break

           case 3:




           //If the number is 4

           //Display IV

           //Then break

           case 4:




           //If the number is 5

           //Display V

           //Then break

           case 5:




           //If the number is 6

           //Display VI

           //Then break

           case 6:




           //If the number is 7

           //Display VII

           //Then break

           case 7:




           //If the number is 8

           //Display VIII

           //Then break

           case 8:




           //If the number is 9

           //Display IX

           //Then break

           case 9:




           //If the number is 10

           //Display X

           //Then break

           case 10:




           //If the number is out of range [That is the default case]

           //Display an error message.  


               System.out.println("Error: The number is not within range");



       }          //End of switch statement



  }  // End of main method


}  // End of class declaration


The above code has comments explaining every part of the code. Please go through the comments.

The actual code has been written in bold face to distinguish it from comments.


Sample Output 1:

>> Enter a number in the range of 1 - 10


>> Error: The number is not within range


Sample Output 2:

>> Enter a number in the range of 1 - 10



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