Answer :
Answer: When business managers identify a problem, they are identifying a disparity between an actual situation and the expected situation.
Explanation: It is often the case in business that things will not go according to plan. There are goals that must be met and standards to maintain.
Therefore, when the results that are being achieved are not at par with the desired results, the first step to putting things right will be to identify the problem and differences between the achieved result and the desired result.
Then and only then can a solution be developed.
when you identify a problem, it means that the actual condition is different than the desired condition.
A desired condition represents something that we want to happen. E.g. graduating from college is classified as a desire.
When reality does not equal our desires, then we have a problem, since what we want to happen is not happening. In the case of a manager, he might desire that his company's sales increase by 10%, but instead they are decreasing by 5%. A problem exists since the reality of what is happening differs from the situation that the manager desires.
Sometimes desires can be confused with expectations, but expectations are not something we want to happen, is something that we belief will happen. For example, as a consumer I can expect a higher price, but that doesn't mean I desire or want a higher price.