Answer :
The ear is structure is superior and lateral to the oral region. Posterior, inferior and lateral to the ocular region. Posterior and lateral to the nasal region.
The ear is one of the five sense organs that enables us to hear. Hearing can be defined as the perception of sound energy via the brain and central nervous system.
Hearing has two components: identification of sounds and localisation of sounds.
The ear is divided into three main parts.
1) The inner ear which is filled with fluid contains the receptors for sound which convert fluid motion into electrical signals known as action potentials that are sent to the brain to enable sound perception.
2) The outer ear acts as a funnel to conduct air vibrations through to the eardrum. It also has the function of sound localisation.
3) The middle ear is located between the external and inner ear. The middle ear functions to transfer the vibrations of the eardrum to the inner ear fluid.