Dan ""threw out his back"" after lifting heavy furniture and complained of pain radiating down the back of his right leg. Use anatomical terminology to describe the body regions where the injury occurred and where Dan experienced pain. Which imaging technique would you prescribe to diagnose a spinal problem? Explain your choice.

Answer :

When Dan "threw out his back", the anatomical terminology regions with the possibility of the injury occurrence is in alignment with the lumbar segment of the spine, having and impact on the sciatic nerve and leading to pain which is often known as the posterior region of the lower right limb. The imaging technique that would be employed in the diagnostics is Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging.


One of the aftermath of physical activity - comprises of lifting weighty objects - is lower back injury, which often varies from painful muscle contraction, muscle tearing, or damage to the inter-vertebral disc of the lumbar spine.

In Dan's situation, the intent to lift the furniture could result to:

Protrusion of the disc that is found admist two vertebrae, known as herniated disc.

Lumbar disc hernias could results in compression of the sciatic nerve.

Sciatic nerve damages would lead to a variety of symptoms including pain or neurological disorders - which includes tingling, numbness, painful current, amidst others - in the region of that nerve.

Dan happened to feel pain at the back of his right lower limb, where the damage sciatic nerve flows through.

Which imaging technique would you prescribe to diagnose a spinal problem?

The best imaging technique to estimate the possibility of the occurrence of lesion with the diagnosis of a spinal injury is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging, which permits in studying the bone structure and the soft tissue (cartilage, muscle) of the influenced region.

The X-rays would only permit observation of the structures of the bones, that plays a important role in diagnosing fractures, deformities or structural variation, but would not reflect the actual form of the ligaments, inter-vertebral discs or muscle.

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