Construct a formula in cell D11 to calculate the sales tax amount for transaction 578. Be sure to appropriately reference the transaction amount in cell C11 and the sales tax rate in cell C8 so that your formula can be reused for the remaining transations.

Answer :




Formulas!D11: =C11*0.0675

4 / 7  (57.1%)


[-2] The formula in cell D11 does not reference the sales tax rate

[-1] The tax rate reference is not absolute

Copy the formula you used in cell D11 down to calculate the sales tax amount for the remaining transactions.

1 / 1  (100.0%)


Construct a formula in cell E11 to calculate the total amount for transaction 578. Be sure to appropriately reference the transaction amount in cell C11 and the sales tax amount in cell D11 so that you can reuse your formula to calculate the total for the remaining transactions.

Formulas!E11: =SUM(C11:D11)

6 / 6  (100.0%)


Copy the formula you used in cell E11 down to calculate the total for the remaining transactions.

2 / 2  (100.0%)


Use the SUM function to calculate the “Grand Total” in for all transactions in cell E24.

Formulas!E24: =SUM(E11:E23)

4 / 4  (100.0%)


The question is an illustration of the formulas in Microsoft Office Excel.

The required formula is: D11: =C11*C8

From the question, we have the following parameters

  1. The sales tax rate is in cell C8
  2. The transaction amount is in: cell C11

The equation that calculates the sales tax amount is:

Tax = C8 * C11

i.e. D11 = C8 * C11

To enter the above formula in cell D8, we make use of:

= C8 * C11


= (C8 * C11)

Hence, the required formula is:


Read more about Microsoft Excel formula at:

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