
Gardeners often put garden debris and dead plants in a compost pile where optimal conditions for decomposers encourage the breakdown of the debris into compost that can be used to fertilize the garden. The temperature of a healthy compost pile is generally between 90 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit. Why

Answer :


Energy is released in the form of heat during decomposition


Decomposition, which is a process by which organic material is broken down by decomposers to form humus, leads to the release of nutrients an also energy. Most of the energy that is released during the decomposition of organic material is in the form of heat, which is lost in the process. Hence, the temperature that is observed in a healthy compost pile.


The temperature of a healthy compost pile should between 90 and 140 degrees Fahrenheit, because if not it affects the microorganisms´ activity, and hence, the composting process.


Initially, the whole compost material is at the same temperature, but as microorganisms grow, temperature increases by heat generation. The clearest symptom of microbial activity is the temperature increase in the compostable mass, which is why it is considered to be a fundamental control variable in the process.

Through the evolution of temperature, one can know the efficiency and the stabilization degree of the process, as there is a direct relationship between temperature and degradation of organic matter.

Variation in temperatures affects microbial activity. If it is too high it might inhibit the growth of the microorganisms, and kill them. Each species has an optimal temperature interval in which its activity is more effective. Organisms beneficiated by a concrete temperature are the ones that will decompose the organic matter, releasing heat in the process.

It is also important that the temperature does not fall, especially during the first phases of the process. If the temperature is too low, it causes organisms´ inactivation. If this occurs, it is important to ventilate the compost to enhance temperature.

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