For each microcase, identify the group doing the influence. Is the nature of the group positive (aspirational) or negative (disassociative)? Is the influence normative (utilitarian), identificational (value expressive), or informational? Is the behavior that is influenced related to a product, brand, model (specific type of a particular brand), or activity?

Sue wanted a new MP3 player. She asked around at her Sorority and found a sister who knew a lot about MP3 players. Sue had a long conversation with her Sorority sister, and as a result purchased an iPod with video and large capability.
Bill considers himself to be a very patriotic guy. During the Iraq war, he put a bumper sticker on his car which displayed an American flag and yellow ribbon.
Jane had a big interview scheduled with Nike. She hadn't thought that seriously about Nike until she got a call for an interview (her resume was on file in the Career Center). She carefully put together an outfit for the interview that she felt most reflected Nike culture and values, so that she could make a good first impression.
Bill, our patriot, found out about a peace rally on campus during the Iraq war. The protesters were demonstrating against any U.S. involvement in the Iraq. They asked all students to wear blue jeans on the day of their rally, to show support for their cause. Bill was careful not to wear blue jeans on that day.
When Enrique was about to buy a vacuum cleaner, he called home to ask his mom which one to get. She said, "What ever you do, don't buy an Singer. Only people who don't know any better buy a Singer. Your aunt Maria bought a Singer and it gave her nothing but trouble." Enrique was certain he would not buy a Singer, because he didn't want his mother to think he was a fool.
Steve and Linda like to hike together, and a few years ago they bought identical hats at a hat store in the mountains. Now when they hike together, they always where their hats -- it makes them feel closer as a couple.
Nancy was doing volunteer work with inner-city Hispanic adults. Although she spoke a little Spanish, she didn't use it, because she was afraid she might offend someone with her accent or word choice.

Answer :



There is no short answer.


For the first scenario, the group doing the influence is her sorority sister. The nature of the group is aspirational because she is helping her decide. The influence the group has is value expressive because even though Sue wanted an MP3 player, she ended up buying an iPod with video playing ability which was not what she wanted.

For the second scenario, the group doing the influence is the US army. The nature of the group is aspirational because he has a sticker on his car which means that he wants to be associated with the group and show his support. The influence the group has is utilitarian because it lines up with Bill's expectations.

For the third scenario, the group doing the influence is the brand because it affects Jane's behavior and choice of clothing. The nature of the group is aspirational because they want to interview her and offer her a job. The influence of the group is utilitarian because they are causing Jane to adjust herself to their expectations and values in order to get to job.

For the fourth scenario, the group doing the influence are the protesters on the campus. The nature of the group is dissociative because Bill clearly does not want to be associated with the group by wearing blue jeans. The influence of the group is informational because it challenges peoples beliefs and has the potential to change their minds.

I hope this answer helps.

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