El protagonista de No me ama está tranquilo con su novia porque es una chica muy extrovertida que siempre le dice cuánto la ama. cierto falso 2. El protagonista cree que el viaje con su novia va a poner a prueba aspectos importantes de su relación. cierto falso 3. El protagonista se sincera con su novia desde el principio y le pide que le diga claramente si lo ama. cierto falso 4. El protagonista está obsesionado con un amigo de su novia, y quiere terminar su relación porque piensa que ella está enamorada de él. cierto falso 5. El protagonista sabe que su novia lo quiere pero para él eso no es suficiente (enough), por eso decide terminar su relación a menos de que ella le diga "te amo". cierto falso

Answer :


  • Translated From Spanish language:

"The protagonist of Do not love me is calm with his girlfriend because she is a very outgoing girl who always tells him how much he loves her.false

2. The protagonist believes that the trip with his girlfriend will test important aspects of their relationship. true

3. The protagonist is sincere with his girlfriend from the beginning and asks him to tell him clearly if he loves him. true  

4. The protagonist is obsessed with a friend of his girlfriend, and wants to end their relationship because he thinks she is in love with him. true

5. The protagonist knows that his girlfriend wants him but that is not enough for him, so he decides to end their relationship unless she says "I love you". False."

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