Answer :
A. If you should Encounter three person and their address themselves to be Knaves, when Knaves are known to be liars. It means their are all lairs.
But that doesn't mean their are actually lairs, because it takes sincerity for people to accept the negative part of their life without arguing. Therefore the ones that has accepted themselves to be lairs are more sincere and should be seen as the ones that can tell the truth.
B. For these one's to define one of them to be a knight, knowing fully well that Knights are truthful, that means two of them are lairs.
This people that has defined two to be liars and one truthful, should be seen as either Knight or Knaves in any giving circumstances.
C. Because this group says nothing that means, their are all dangerous lairs, that can't even say any truth about themselves being lairs and are afraid of lying about being a Knight at the first approach.
Dangerous lairs are the ones that can convince people with lies and everyone will believe such lie without doubt. Such people don't lie always nor talk always. But their lie when it matters most, that is when everyone has depend on their words to be true always.