Set up the differential equation that describes the motion under the assumptions of this section. Solve the differential equation. State whether the motion of the spring-mass system is harmonic, damped oscillation, critically damped, oroverdamped. If the motion is a damped oscillation, rewrite in the form (22).33. The spring-mass system has an attached mass of 10 g. The spring constant is30 g/s 2 . A dashpot mechanism is attached, which has a damping coefficient of 40 g/s. The mass is pulled down and released. At time t = 0, the mass is 3 cmbelow the rest position and moving upward at 5 cm/s.34. A long spring has a mass of 1 slug attached to it. The spring stretches 16/13 ftand comes to rest. The damping coefficient is 2 slug/s. The mass is subjected toan impulsive force at time t = 0, which imparts a velocity of 5 ft/s downward.

Answer :



The principle and application of differential equation is applied and the steps with detailed and appropriate substitution is as carefully shown in the attached files.

m = mass attached

k = spring constant

c = damping coefficient

${teks-lihat-gambar} olumidechemeng
${teks-lihat-gambar} olumidechemeng

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