Answer :
; Use a loop with indirect or indexed addressing to
; reverse the elements of an integer array in place
;declare and initialize an array
array1 DWORD 10d,20d,30d,40d,50d,60d,70d,80d,90d
main PROC
;assign esi value as 0
mov esi,0
;find the size of array
mov edi, (SIZEOF array1-TYPE array1)
;find the length of the array
;divide the length by 2 and assign to ecx
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array1/2
;iterate a loop to reverse the array elements
;move the value of array at esi
mov eax, array1[esi]
;exchange the values eax and value of array at edi
xchg eax, array1[edi]
;move the eax value into the array at esi
mov array1[esi], eax
;increment the value of esi
add esi, TYPE array1
;decrement the value of edi
sub edi, TYPE array1
loop L1
;The below code is used to print
;the values of array after reversed.
;get the length of the array
mov ecx, LENGTHOF array1
;get the address
mov esi, OFFSET array1
mov eax, [esi]
;print the value use either WriteDec or DumpMems
;call WriteDec
;call crlf
call DumpMem
;increment the esi value
add esi, TYPE array1
main ENDP
END main