
So Im doing a project for art class. We have to take something, and just make it colorful and fun. You can do anything 3 dimensional. Some people are doing phone cases, others lamps, stuff like that but Im gonna do my mountain bike. What color should i paint what parts. Should i do designs and patterns, and how should i finish each color, matte or gloss. Thanks for your suggestions and ideas. Ive gotten some ideas but im still looking at more. I have a 2020 Gray and Black Trek Marlin 7 i you wanna look it up to see what it is. The paint will be coming from here Spray.Bike if you wanna go onto their site and see what colors Im working with.

Answer :


You should a design even if it is just something very simple. DO something that you would not mind riding on. Same with the color of the paint. You can do more than one but don't use like the color pink for example unless you don't mind that color.


Remember that you can still ride your bike so whatever you do make it so that you still love it.  

Answer: You should paint the parts different shades of pink, purple, and blue. Yes you should do designs and patters. After each color, do both matt and gloss


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