Answer :
The answer is because money is important.
Money allows us to use our limited resources wisely and produce more with the same amount of resources which helps to avoid the double coincidence of wants and allows for more specialization,
it promotes work specialization.
Imagine a world where money didn't exist, and we would be forced to trade using a barter system. That means that we must produce the products that we need or the products that someone else needs, but that someone else must also have the product that we need. It gets a little complicated when you have to match different needs with different productive abilities.
By using money, we can forget about matching our own specific needs with the specific needs of someone else. We exchange our work for money, and with that money we purchase goods and services.
And that is one big advantage on a very small scale, imagine the advantages gained by the whole economy, e.g. the capacity of saving, investing, safe keeping, etc.