Answer :
The correct answer is C. As reaction to the Little Rock Nine integrating in Arkansas high school, people gathered at the high school to intimidate the students.
The Little Rock Nine were a group of African American students at Little Rock Central High School from 1957. They were the first nine African American students at this then racially segregated school, and their schooling developed into a power struggle between the United States federal government and the state of Arkansas. It also contributed to the abolition of racial segregation even within the school system in the American South.
In 1954, the Supreme Court ruled that it would no longer be permissible to have schools segregated between blacks and whites. In 1957, it was time for Little Rock to implement it all, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People had registered nine carefully selected high-performing black students, called Little Rock Nine, at the former all-white Little Rock Central High School.
This led to large protests among the white majority both at school and in the community with the pure lynching mood. The nine blacks tried to go to school on the second day of school, but were met by a large mob. Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus had also called in the National Guard to stop Little Rock Nine from entering the school.
A couple of weeks later, the Supreme Court decided that the National Guard must not be used to prevent students from entering the school. Faubus then puts in the police to keep order. Now the mob had grown even bigger and the police had no way to protect the nine who escaped school for their lives.
By this point, President Eisenhower had had enough and called 1,200 soldiers from the 101st Airbourne Division, while he federalized the entire Arkansas National Guard and ordered them to return home. With 1,200 soldiers on their side, the mob could be kept quiet and Little Rock Nine was eventually escorted into the school.
People gathered at the high school to intimidate the students