Answer :
Ethical behavior in an organisation can be described as actions, interactions and decisions of stakeholders, especially employees, that are in line with the moral and professional principles of the organisation.
The six stages of ensuring that ethical behavior of an organisation is sustainable are as follows:
1. Establishment of a code of ethics: This aims to provide a common understanding values of the organization values and give clear guidance on behavior that is acceptable or not acceptable;
2. Provision of support to the Code by giving all the employees adequate training;
3. Hire an ethics officer;
4. Celebrate and reward ethical behavior shown by a stakeholder especially by an employee;
5. Promotion of the commitment of the organizations to ethical behavior; and
6. Continuous monitoring of the behavior in the organisation.
Therefore, celebrating and rewarding the ethical behavior demonstrated by an organization's employees is the fourth not the last stage in making ethical behavior sustainable for an organization.
Code of ethics is the standards of a company that is documented and it is required that all members of a company, business or organization should follows this standards.
Code of ethics is used to guide the way activities are been carried out in an organization.
In establishing or creating a code of ethics in an organization it is very important that members of the organization are:
1. Properly educated on what the values of the organization are
2. A well detailed guide of appropriate behaviour in the work place must be provided to every member of staff.
3. When involved in particular situation, rules of the way to behave in that situation must be given.
4. Employees must be educated on the punishments that would be given out if any of the policies or rules are broken.
There are six stages to ensure that ethical behavior is sustainable for an organization and they are:
a. A code of ethics must be created and established
b. The code of ethics must be supported with an in depth training of every member of the organization.
c. An ethics officer must be employed
d. Make sure proper ethical standards upholded and kept by members of the organization is celebrated and rewarded.
e. Promote organization's commitment to ethical behavior.
f. Continuous monitoring of the ethical behavior amongst member of staff as the organization continues to develop as well as keeping the code of ethics document up date.