Answer :
The annual operating expenses of long-haul tractors equipped with the various deflectors are calculated as a function of mileage dirven per year, X
Annual Operating Expenses= X miles/Year x Possibility with drag reduction x fuel savings x $3 per gallon
Possibility with Drag reduction
Windshear = 1-(2%/5%) x 15% 0.94
Blowby = 1-(2%/5%) x 10% 0.96
Air Vantage = 1-(2%/5%) x 20% 0.92
Windshear: [(X miles/yr)(0.94)(0.25 gallon/miles)($3.00/gal)] = 0.705 x/yr
Blowby: [(X miles/yr)(0.96)(0.25 gallon/mile)($3.00/gal)] = 0.72 x/yr
Air-vantage: [(X mi/yr)(0.92)(0.25 gal/mi)($3.00/gal)] = 0.69 x/yr
EUAC can now be written in terms of X
EUAC Windshear =$800(A/P,12,%; 8) + $9 + $0.705X = $170.04 + $0.705X
EUAC Blowby =$500(A/P,12,%; 9) + $6 + $0.72X = $99.85 + $0.72X
EUAC Air Vantage =$1200(A/P,12,%; 6) + $6 + $0.69X = $297.84 + $0.69X
The breakeven values can be computed between each pair of deflectors by equating their EUAC equations and solving for X
Windshear and Blowby: = $170.04 + $0.705 x = $99.85 + $0.72X/yr $4,679.33 miles per year
Blowby and Air-vantage = $99.85 +$0.72x = $297.84 + 0.69X $6,599.67 miles per year
Air-vantage and Windshear = $297.84 +.69x =$170.04 +0.705x $8,520 miles per year
Determine the range over which each deflector is preferred
x< $4,679.33 select blowby
$4,679.33 <x< $8,520 select windshear
$8,520<x select air-vantage
Gallon per miles = 1/4 miles 0.25