Elizabeth, a high school student who smokes cigarettes, saw a film in her health class that depicted horrible scenes of people dying from lung cancer. After class, a friend asked her whether the film had convinced her to quit smoking. Elizabeth said no. However, a few days later, she realized she did want to quit and decided to sign up for a program to help her stop smoking. Based on research on persuasion, what might you conclude

Answer :


     The conclusion after this is that, advertisements do influence people's decisions, and this can be used for good and for bad things too. Even though this girl (Elizabeth) will try to stop smoking, this king of persuasion can be used in a way that can manipulate a person's view of a specific topic, and one good example for that is politics.

     World nowadays is very polarized, and people aren't searching for the correct source of information anymore, and a persuasion advertisement can work pretty well to get people into a wrong narrative.

Answer: Based on research on persuasion,it might be concluded that ELIZABETH HAS A LOW SELF ESTEEM.

Explanation: Low self esteem is characterised by lack of confidence and feeling badly about oneself,it is also characterised by inability of one to make informed decision in the presence of a group of people which might be friends,peers or even family members.

Elizabeth was unable to admit that she wants to quit smoking when her friend asked because she has a low self esteem while deep within her,he has the resolve to quit smoking which came into play immediately she was alone and had time to herself away from any friend or friends.

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