Answer :
After the death of Gautama (founder of Buddhism in India), Buddhism spread through Ancient India. After that, it ended up spreading throughout Asia, disappearing from the country of origin, and giving way to Hinduism. During the expansion, taken by the silk trade route, it crossed the entire East. Around the 7th century, Buddhism arrived in Korea and Japan, and in the following century it arrived in Tibet, but it has already changed a lot. Furthermore, Buddhism entered Europe in 1819, where the German Arthur Schopenhauer developed new concepts, very close to Buddhism. This way, we can say today that Buddhism has expanded around the world and there are Buddhist temples in several countries in Europe, the Americas and Australia.
Muslim Religion:
Muslim is any individual who practices Islam, a monotheistic religion centered on the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, who would have received revelations from Archangel Gabriel. In addition, Muslims also emphasize the dogmas of prayer, fasting in the month of Ramadan, pilgrimage to Mecca and the study of the Koran.