
All of the following statements describe kinesin-I EXCEPT__________.

A. kinesin-I is a (–) end-directed motor.
B. kinesin-I transports vesicles along microtubules.
C. kinesin-I binds and hydrolyzes ATP to produce movement.
D. kinesin-I is composed of two heavy chains and two light chains.

Answer :

Answer: Option A


Kinesin -1 is the major anterograde motor which helps in the transportation along micro tubules. This is important for the proper transport of the mitochondria, Golgi derived vesicles,  endoplasmic reticulum tubulin, mRNA and intermediate filament sub units.

It moves along the micro tubules and for this task it gets energy from the adenosine triphosphate.

The heavy chain of KInesin 1 is made of globular head via short flexible neck and has a light chain as well which ends in the carboxy terminal.