Answer :
B. Specific, Meaningful, Achievable, Realistic, and Timed
The acronym SMART is used to remember the criteria of a good goal.
SMART stands for:
Specific: The goal needs to focus on a certain aspect.
Measurable: You need to know your progress during and after the goal.
Achievable: It should be possible for you to reach your goal.
Realistic: Your goal should make sense for who you are/want to do.
Timed: There must be a deadline for you to complete your goal by.
Good example for a student:
In 4 weeks, I will increase by math mark by 5%.
S: focuses on math course
M: will have tests/quizzes, can ask teacher about the mark
A: not an impossible leap, but 5% pushes the person a little
R: the student wants better grades
T: 4 weeks
Bad example for a high school student who is doing poorly in school:
I will become a doctor in 4 years because my parents said so.
S: no. There are many types of doctors
M: yes. Progress could be measured with steps like getting into medical school, passing each year...
A: no. It would be extremely difficult for someone doing poorly in school to be a doctor.
R: no. This is the parent's wishes, not the student.
T: yes. 4 years
The goal is not SMART, it's only MT.