1. Which of the following is the theme of "When Greek meets Greek"? (1 point)
a) the struggle to withstand discrimination
b) loneliness is an ever-changing world
c) the need for higher education at all ages
d) the difficulty of making new friends

2. Which of the following is the theme of " Girls can we educate we dads"?( 1 point)
a) Fathers do not know about their daughters struggle to grow up
b) fathers and daughters do not understand eachother
c) sexual descrimination belittles and insults women
d) women have been more independant and assertive

3. Read the following sentences from "The Third Bank of the River.""Father, you have been out there long enough. You are old . . . Come back, you don't have to do it anymore . . .Come back and I'll go instead. Right now, if you want. Any time. I'll get into the boat. I'll take your place."Which of the following words best describes the speaker's tone (1 point)
a) annoyed
b) desperate
c) determined
d) pleading

4. Read the following sentences from "The Third Bank of the River."
She scolded us daily—my sister, my brother, and me. But it happened one day that Father ordered a boat . . . Mother carried on plenty about it. Was her husband going to become a fisherman all of a sudden? Or a hunter? Father said nothing.Which of the following words best describes the relationship between the Mother and her family? (1 point)
a) contemptuous
b) disconnected
c) hostile
d) opressive

5. Read the following sentences from "The Youngest Doll."The aunt thought he was listening for the breathing of the prawn to see if it was still alive, and shefondly lifted his hand and placed it on the spot where he could feel the constant movement of thecreature's antennae. The young man released the ruffle and looked fixedly at his father. “You couldhave cured this from the start,” he told him. “That's true,” his father answered, “but I just wanted youto come and see the prawn that has been paying for your education these twenty years."In these sentences, the prawn most likely symbolizes ( 1 point)
a) a craving for power and knowledge.
b) a sense of selfish motivation and greed.
c) a feeling of unity between father and son.
d) a secret shared between doctor and patient.

6. Read the following lines from the poem "Love After Love.""you will greet yourself arrivingat your own door, in your own mirror,and each will smile at the other's welcome,"In these lines, the mirror most likely symbolizes (1 point)
a) a show of vanity.
b) a sense of comfort.
c) the recognition of one's talents.
d) the reflection of one's inner beauty.

9. Which of the following best describes the diction of this excerpt from "When Greek Meets Greek"? "This fellar was Chandrilaboodoo (after this, we calling this man Chan) and he had a big beard with a hairnet over it, and he was wearing a turban. When he see Ram, he clasp his hands with the palms touching across his chest by way of greeting." (1 point)
a) technical and detached
b) informal and colloquial
c) vivid and metaphorical
d) lofty and formal

10. Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars. (1 point)
a) S-V-O
b) S-V-IO
c) S-V-N
d) S-V-A

Answer :

The correct answer for the first question is A. The theme of  "When Greek meets Greek" is the the struggle to withstand discrimination.  For the second question, the correct answer is option D, women have been more independent and assertive. The answer for the third questions is option D, pleading. For the fourth question, the correct answer is B, disconnected. The correct answer for the fifth question is option C, a feeling of unity between father and son.

The correct answers are the following:

  1. A theme of "When Greek meets Greek" is (A) the struggle to withstand discrimination. "When Greek meets Greek" is a short story written by Samuel Dickson Selvon.
  2. A theme of "Girls Can We Educate We Dads" is (D) women have been more independent and assertive. "Girls Can We Educate We Dads" is a poem written by the Jamaican poet James Berry.
  3. The word that best describes the speaker's tone is (D) pleading. "The Third Bank of the River" is a tale written by João GuimarãesRosa.
  4. The word that best describes the Mother and her family is (B) disconnected.
  5. In these sentences, the prawn most likely symbolizes (B) a sense of selfish motivation and greed. "The Youngest Doll" is a short story written by Rosario Ferré.
  6. In these lines, the mirror most likely symbolizes (B) a sense of comfort. "Love After Love" is a poem written by Derek Walcott.

9. The diction of this excerpt is (C) vivid and metaphorical.

10. Hybrids produce less pollution than conventional cars: (A) S-V-O. Subject, Verb, Object.

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