Answer :
Option B has a higher present value at time zero is correct
as shown below:
Option A future value at the end of three years = 2000*(1.06)^2+5000*(1.06)^1+5000*(1.06)^0= $12,547
Option B future value at the end of three years = 4000*(1.06)^2+4000*(1.06)^1+4000*(1.06)^0=$12,734
Option B has higher future value as determined above, so first option is wrong.
Option A present value at time zero = 2000/(1.06)^1+5000/(1.06)^2+5000/(1.06)^3= $10,535
Option B present value at time zero = 4000/(1.06)^1+4000/(1.06)^2+4000/(1.06)^3=$10,692
Option B has higher present value as determined above, so second option is correct.
Third option is wrong as Option B is not perpetuity as B has three years life.
Fourth option is wrong as Option A is not ANNUITY as A CASH FLOW amounts is not equal , it varies on annual basis.