Write a function named sortie that takes three integer parameters by reference and rearranges them in ascending order--the first parameter being the smallest, the third parameter being the largest. A program file is provided. A comment in the file indicates where the function should be written.

Answer :

Write a function named sortie that takes three integer parameters by reference and rearranges them in ascending order--the first parameter being the smallest, the third parameter being the largest.


#include <stdio.h>

using namespace std;

int main()


cout<<"Enter 3 number";

int first, second, third;



cout<<"Unsorted :"<<first<<","<<second<<","<<third<<endl;


cout<<"Sorted :"<<first<<","<<second<<","<<third<<endl;

return 0;


  • Three numbers are inputted from the user.
  • Sortie function is used to sort the data in specified places.

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