Answer :
The odds in favor of the Lakers winning the toss in exactly one of three games is : 3 :8.
What is the probability of winning?
The probability of winning denotes that out of the total sample spaces the number of outcomes have chosen by the team.
How to calculate the probability of winning??
The number of total outcomes will be =2*2*2=8.
Let, 'W' as win the toss and 'L' as loss the toss.
Now, the outcomes will be : (W-W-W);(W-W-L);(W-L-W);(W-L-L);(L-W-W);(L-W-L);(L-L-W);(L-L-L).
Here, exactly one winning out of three outcomes are : (W-L-L),(L-W-L) and (L-L-W).
Hence, the probability will be: 3:8
Learn more about probability of winning here :