
Use the dictionary entry to trace the etymology of the following word. Use full spellings (i.e. Latin, French) and list in reverse chronological order (origin of the word goes first).

Example: Succession Latin-Old French-Middle English

\An*tag"o*nist\, n. [L. antagonista: cf. F. antagoniste.]

A.Greek to French.
B.Old French to French.
C.Greek to Latin.
D.Latin to French

Answer :

D.Latin to French is correct


C: Greek to Latin


Tracing the etymoloy of the word "antagonist", which means "one who contends with another", it is possible to see that even before the Late Latin form "antagonista" , there was the original Greek form "antagonistes"  ("competitor, opponent, rival").  Greek element Anti : against, opposite, opposed to + agon : a strugle, a contest.

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