
3. Women have experienced a series of obstacles and difficulties in achieving leadership positions in our society. Explain what are the main obstacles and difficulties and why do you think they exist. What potential benefits are they for having a woman as leader? What potential difficulties do women face in police organizations? What potential benefits can police organization have for bringing in more women officers?

Answer :


Women already represent almost 50% of the world labor market, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO). However, there are still few women in the leadership, especially in emerging countries. The changes are appearing gradually.

In addition to the low representativeness, a study published by Harvard Business Review shows that, when in leadership positions, women tend to face challenges that not only encompass their professional skills, but also issues of personality and character. The analysis also reveals that, once in this position, the woman needs to deal with cultural and behavioral expectations that society has regarding female behavior, such as being affectionate, delicate and showing empathy. The same qualities are not expected of a male boss, for example, because from him, traditionally, only strength and competence are expected.

Often, expectations regarding a leader's behavior are not compatible with the position or work she performs, and may hinder her professional performance. The great difficulty, according to the publication, is to find a compromise between professional competence and the credibility required for the position. Women may face several bad situations in organizations, such as prejudice, bullying. Having women in organizations brings the benefits of new perspectives and new ways of developing projects.


the would would be so much betteram i right


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