A hotel salesperson enters sales in a text file. Each line contains the following, separated by semicolons: The name of the client, the service sold (such as Dinner, Conference, Lodging, and so on), the amount of the sale, and the date of that event. Write a java program that reads such a file and displays the total amount for each service category. Display an error if the file does not exist or the format is incorrect. Make sure the program can read a text file and that writes a separate file for each service category, containing the entries for that category. Name the output files Dinner.txt, Conference.txt, and so on.

Answer :


Complete solution is given below:


Java code:

//Header file section

import java.util.Scanner;

import java.io.*;

//main class

public class SalesTestDemo


//main method

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException


  String inFile;

  String line;

  double total = 0;

Scanner scn = new Scanner(System.in);

//Read input file name

System.out.print("Enter input file Name: ");

inFile = scn.nextLine();

FileReader fr = new FileReader(new File(inFile));

BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);

System.out.println("Name \t\tService_Sold \tAmount \tEvent Date");


line = br.readLine();

//Each line contains the following, separated by semicolons:

//The name of the client, the service sold

//(such as Dinner, Conference, Lodging, and so on)

while(line != null)


String temp[] = line.split(";");

for(int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++)



if(i == 1)




//Calculate total amount for each service category

total += Double.parseDouble(temp[2]);


line = br.readLine();


//Display total amount

System.out.println("\nTotal amount for each service category: "+total);








Enter input file Name: inputSale.txt

Name        Service_Sold    Amount    Event Date


Peter   Dinner       1500   30/03/2016  

Bill   Conference       100.00   29/03/2016  

Scott   Lodging       1200   29/03/2016  

Total amount for each service category: 2800.0

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