
Choose one of the options below for discussion. Be sure to elaborate and explain.

Waffles and Workers' Rights (EEOC v. Waffle House, p. 84-85) Read about arbitration law in Chapter 4 and Case 4-3 in your textbook, and do some online research on the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Then discuss the following:

What is the EEOC's role in regard to business? Does the court say that the EEOC trumps the arbitration contract between the employee and the employer? If so, why? What are the pros and cons of arbitration agreements? Do you think arbitration agreements between big companies and low wage earners who are uninformed about the law are truly fair? If you have any experiences at work with discrimination policies or EEOC trainings, share those experiences

Where in the World? J. McIntyre vs. Nicastro #6, p. 68

Read both the summary of the J. McIntyre v. Nicastro case on page 68 and the court's full decision via the link provided. (You need only read up to the word "Reversed" and do not have to read the concurrence or the dissent – although you are welcome to do so! Summarize what factors the court looks at in determining where a case can be brought. What was the court's final decision and do you think the decision was correct? Why or why not?

Answer :


Solution and Explanation:

EEOC, for example, The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission implements government laws denying work environment separation. (EEOC) is answerable for upholding government laws that make it illicit to oppress an occupation candidate or a representative in view of the individual's race, shading, religion, sex (counting pregnancy, sex character, and sexual direction), national cause, age (40 or more seasoned), incapacity or hereditary data. It is additionally illicit to victimize an individual on the grounds that the individual grumbled about segregation, recorded a charge of separation, or took part in a work segregation examination or claim.  

Most managers with at any rate 15 representatives are secured by EEOC laws (20 workers in age segregation cases). Most worker's guilds and business organizations are likewise secured. The laws apply to a wide range of work circumstances, including enlisting, terminating, advancements, provocation, preparing, wages, and advantages.  

The EEOC has the position to research charges of oppression bosses who are secured by the law. Through their examination, they assume a job to decently and precisely evaluate the claims in the charge and afterward make a finding. On the off chance that any segregation, EEOC attempts to settle the charge. It has the power to record a claim to secure the privileges of people and the interests of the general population and contests a little level of these cases. When choosing to record a claim, the EEOC considers a few factors, for example, the quality of the proof, the issues for the situation, and the more extensive effect the claim could have on the EEOC's endeavors to battle working environment separation.  

It additionally attempts to forestall separation before it happens through effort, instruction and specialized help programs.  

The EEOC gives initiative and direction to bureaucratic offices on all parts of the government's equivalent work opportunity program. EEOC guarantees government office and division consistent with EEOC guidelines. It gives specialized help to government organizations concerning EEO protest mediation. It likewise screens and assesses government organizations' certifiable work programs, creates and disseminates bureaucratic segment instructive materials and behaviors preparing for partners, gives direction and help to the Administrative Judges who lead hearings on EEO grievances, and settles claims from authoritative choices made by administrative offices on EEO grumblings.  

No, the first requirement plot made the EEOC and accused it of the obligation of forestalling "any individual from taking part in any unlawful [discriminatory] work practice."  

Regardless of this charge, the Commission, as made by the 1964 Act, couldn't bring its own implementation activities. Rather, it possibly had the power to use casual techniques for mollification when endeavoring to determine charges of segregation.  

In the event that such casual strategies fizzled, the EEOC's inclusion in the contest finished and the bothered party had thirty days to record a private reason for the activity. This requirement conspire, in any case, end up being insufficient because of managers who reliably "disregarded the [EEOC's] pleas and depended upon the  impossibility of the gatherings suing them." The present plan, as made by the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and as changed by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, and the Civil Rights Act of 1991, permits the EEOC to record suit against a business simply in the wake of endeavoring to determine the contest through assuagement. Nonetheless, before a suit can even be documented, an accuse must be recorded of the EEOC charges that the business has occupied with an unlawful work practice. A charge can be documented by a separation casualty or by an individual from the EEOC and must be recorded inside 180 days of the supposed unlawful practice. After accepting the charge, the EEOC must advise the business and afterward play out an examination. EEOC examinations are frequently tedious and costly for an employer.

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