Answer :


Yes it is true that the electric lights helps the factory production by allowing the night shifts.


Electric light, particularly increases the factory production cannot yet be answered with assurance, but is important to ask. It can be said that there is an evidence for the disruptive effect of electric light on physiology in experiments in humans. There is some important evidence on the long-term impact on disease but this evidence is not yet sufficient to go to any conclusion. Its an immediate  issue given the increasing importance  of electric lighting in our existing environment that has been designed without any consideration of circadian health in mind.

Excessive lighting of the night sky is as important an Earth issue as climate change. The impact on life, including plant, insect and animal, is now beginning to be appreciated as large. Disruption of circadian rhythmicity has profound effects on physiology, many aspects of which are deleterious. Neonates and small children, even beginning in utero, may be at particular risk because of their rapidly developing physiology.

In addition to the impact on life forms, generation of light at night also contributes directly to greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel combustion to produce the electricity needed: almost 20% of electricity consumption worldwide is for lighting, and at least 30% of this light is wasted.

As an environmental issue, lighting of the day inside buildings impacts only humans. whereas lighting the night-time affects all life including humans. As it is now making it possible to generate, direct and manage light at night for improved visual appearance, more efficiency and less waste, and to better accommodate the given physiology of life forms in general, but most importantly of the species directly responsible for the pervasiveness of light at night, and hence could be concluded that it increases the production of allowing nights.




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