Answer :
See explanation
The electron configuration of the boron, depends on it's atomic number and the orbitals.
Now, according to the periodic table, the atomic number of Boron is 5. This means that we need to fill the orbytals until we complete the number 5.
We begin with the 1s, cause is the first orbytal and cape. Now, a "s" orbytal can hold up to 2 electrons, a "p" orbytal, can hold up to 6 electrons. We need to fill 5, so
[B] = 1s² 2s² 2p¹
Now why we did not use an orbytal p after 1s? because in the first cape, we only have two elements, Hydrogen and Helium. After we pass the number, we pass to another period of the table, which is period 2, with Litium, so, it's another level of energy that includes the previous level (1s2). So after we use 1s2, we use the second level of energy and begin again with 2s. Therefore, Boron, is still in period 2, and he was missing 1 electron, and that's why it was necessary to use the orbytal p.
In conclusion, the electron configuration is:
[B] = 1s² 2s² 2p¹