Questions 3–9: Identify the dependent clause in each sentence. Indica
an adjectival clause or an adverbial clause.
3. The package arrived while you were sleeping.
4. Antonio read the newspaper that Ishu bought
5. The crowd became quiet when he raised his hands
6. The squirrel that bit her didn't have rabies.
7. Take the newspaper when you leave
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Answer :


3. while you were sleeping - adverbial clause

4. that Ishu bought - adjectival clause

5. when he raised his hands - adverbial clause

6. that bit her - adjectival clause

7. when you leave - adverbial clause


Dependent clause is a construction that contains verb (unlike phrase which doesn't) but can't stand on its own because it doesn't express complete thought.

Adverbial clause is type of dependent clauses which functions as an adverb, meaning that it mofifies the verb and provides more detailed information on how, when or why something happened.

Adjectival clause is type of dependent clauses which has a function of an adjective, meaning that it modifies nouns or noun phrases (or pronouns) providing more specific information about it.

3. Independent clause here is "The package arrived". This conveys full meaning and can stay on its own as a sentence. However, if we were to be more specific about the arrival of the package we would add this dependent clause "while you were sleeping". This clause modifies the verb "arrived" explaining when the action occured, so this makes this clause adverbial.

4. Independent clause here is "Antonio read the newspaper". A completely normal clause which meets all conditions to be a sentence. We can expand it by adding this dependent clause "that Ishu bought". This clause explains which newspaper Antonio read, specifying them. Since it modifies the noun "newspaper", this is an adjectival clause.

5. Similarly, to precious sentences, "The crowd became quiet" is the independent clause. Adding more clauses to it provides us with more information. In this case, the dependent clause is "when he raised his hands". This clause is telling us when something happened, when an action took place, meaning it modifies the verb "became (quiet)". This makes this clause adverbial one.

6. "The squirrel didn't have rabies" is the independent clause here. However, of all the squirrels in the world, we must explain which is the one mentioned here. We explain this by adding that crucial information in the form of dependent clause "that bit her". This clause modifies the noun "squirrel" specifying which squirrel performed an action, so that renders this clause adjectival.

7. The independent clause of this sentence is "Take the newspaper". We could add more clauses here, which would modify either the verb "take" or the noun "the newspaper". In this case, we have the dependent clause "when you leave" which, obviously, gives more detailed information on when to perform an action. This means it modifies the verb, which makes it adverbial clause.

Final two sentences are poorly copied, so I can't give an answer, but hopefully, forementioned explanation helps.

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