Answer :
Answer: 60 years and above and 18-59 years
Explanation: The global blood pressure of patients within the age of 60 years and above without a chronic kidney problem or diabetes usually have their blood pressure level at 150/90 mm Hg. But in patients who are between the age 18 years to 59 years who does not have major comorbidities and also patients who are 60 years and above who are suffering from chronic kidney disease, diabetes or suffers both diseases have their global blood pressure as 140/90mm Hg.
So, when treating the first line and later line, four classes of medication should be limited. This medication are; thiazide-type diuretics, calcium channel blockers, ARBs and ACE inhibitors, while treating the second line and third line will alternatively needed higher dosage or combination of thiazide-type diuretics, ACE inhibitors, ARBs and CCBs. When therapy is being initiated, African patients without a chronic kidney disease should treat themselves by using CCBs and thiazides instead of taking or using ACE inhibitors. Using ACE inhibitors and ARBs is administered to all patients with chronic kidney disease.