You may turn right on a red light ONLY if you are in the right-most lane, you're turning into the right-most lane on the cross road, and _____. A. it's between 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. B. no nearby sign prohibits the turn C. you're not in a school zone D. you honk your horn before entering the intersection

Answer :

I believe the answer should be B.

You may turn right on a red light ONLY if you are in the right-most lane, you're turning into the right-most lane on the cross road, and no nearby sign prohibits the turn.

According to the traffic laws of the United States, the red color in a traffic light implies that drivers must, obligatorily, brake at speed 0 until said color changes to green.

Now, in case the driver wants to turn to the right, that is, in the same direction of driving as the cars that are crossing the street, he may do so as long as there is no express traffic sign that prohibits it.

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