Answer :
By 1790, the law had been ratified and the new country instituted. This country grew quickly from 1790 to 1860. This population increased from 3,929,000 at 1790, to 31,443,000 at 1860. At 1790, this Mississippi River was the West edge of the United States . By 1860, the United States limits extended from sea to sea, its area more than doubled. Some developments were particularly significant to the region. After this struggle for freedom, the United States operated large tracts of common realm between the Appalachian Range and the Mississippi River. Two questions loomed across this Appalachians. Settlers squatted on lands, while speculators hatched grandiose strategies to purchase and sell West lands for significant gains. An organized choice had to be invented to move public domain to private ownership. The second question centred on the highest political position of the public realm.