(20 POINTS!!) Translate the following to english. I will know if a translator is used.
((Hola amigo! Como estas? Eso es bueno.
¡Lo más loco sucedió hoy! Billy murió y sus últimas palabras fueron, "Fue Bason quien tomó un shet y no descargó el inodoro."
Huevos! El pollo mordió el ano!))
Thank you!

Answer :



Hey friend! How are you? That is good.

The craziest thing happened today! Billy died and his last words were, "It was Bason who took a *beep*(lets just say poop) and didn't flush the toilet."Eggs! The chicken bit the *beep*(thing that helps let that out)!

Why did you write this by the way?



Hey bud! how are you doing? Thats great.

The craziest thing happened today! Billy dies and his last words were, "Bason was the one who took the sh et and didnt flush the toilet

eggs! the chicken bit the anu s!!

(wt f is this bro ahahaha)


native spanish speaker :)

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