A paper plant is proposed for a location 1 km upwind from a town. It will emit 40 g/s of hydrogen sulfide, which has an odor threshold of about 0.1 mg/m3. Assume that winds at 10 m above ground are 2.5 m/s, and at the effective stack height they typically vary from 4 – 10 m/s blowing toward the town. If it is summer day with a few broken clouds,

a) What stack height should be used to assure concentrations are no more than 0.1 times the odor threshold at the near edge of town (1 km away)? To be conservative, the stack will be designed assuming no plume rise.

b) Will any buildings (e.g., the country cabin or the doghouse on the far edge of town – hey, dogs matter too!) experience higher concentrations than a residence at the 1 km boundary? Briefly explain your answer.