Answer :
1. Regaló
2. Helado
3. Novios
4. Invitados
5. Casarse
6. Relación
7. Sorpresa
8. Pasamos bien
2. Helado
3. Novios
4. Invitados
5. Casarse
6. Relación
7. Sorpresa
8. Pasamos bien
Answer: Hello there!
1) "Ayer Marta le --------- un reloj a Pablo."
This says something like:
"yesterday, Martha __ A watch to Pablo"
A word that can fill the blank can be "gifted" that in spanish is "regaló", so the phrase can be:
"Ayer Marta le regaló un reloj a Pablo."
2) "En el verano, a todos les gusta comer ------------".
this says something like " In summer, everyone likes to eat __"
a this can be filled with "icecream", that in spanis is "helado"
"En el verano, a todos les gusta comer helado"
3) "Después de ser ----------- por un año, Juana y Armando decidieron comprometerse."
this says something like "After being ___ for a year, Juana And armando decide to engage"
This can be completed with "fiancees" or, in spanish "novios", so:
"Después de ser novios por un año, Juana y Armando decidieron comprometerse."
4) "¿A qué hora van a llegar los--------- a la fiesta del sábado? "
This says something like " At which time the____ will arribe to Saturday party"?
Here you can put something like "Jhonsons" that, being a lastname. you don't need to translate it:
"¿A qué hora van a llegar los Jhonson a la fiesta del sábado? "
5) "Pablo y María se comprometieron antes de----------- ."
This says somethin like "Pablo and Maria engaged before of___"
This can be completed with "Autum", that in spanish is "Otoño"
"Pablo y María se comprometieron antes de otoño"
6) " Mi sobrina y yo tenemos una buena ---------------, somos muy buenas amigas."
This says something like "My nephew and i have a very good___, whe are good friends"
This can be filled with "relation", or "relacion" in spanish.
" Mi sobrina y yo tenemos una buena relacion, somos muy buenas amigas."
7) "Gabriela no sabe que le vamos a dar una fiesta ------------- para su cumpleaños."
This means "Gabriela does not know that we are going to give her a ____ party for her birthday"
Which can be completed with "surprise" or "sorpresa" in spanish.
" Gabriela no sabe que le vamos a dar una fiesta sorpresa para su cumpleaños."
8) "Nosotros lo ----------- de vacaciones en Miami."
This is a little bit rougher translation, because depends on modism, the word that completes the sentence is "pasaremos"
"Nosotros lo pasaremos de vacaciones en Miami."
Which completed, means "We will be in Miami for the vacations"