Answer :
Both Odysseus and Luke have guides; Odysseus has Athena to guide him home, and Luke has Obi-wan. They also have different yet similar motivations because both are not selfish. True, Odysseus does brag and is vain along the way at first, but after a while, through is arduous journey, his goal becomes more focused on returning to his beloved son and wife. Do you really believe that his whole goal, his whole purpose, his whole motive, would just be for fame and glory? Would Athena, the god of wisdom, believe that it was wise to help and put her faith into a foolish man whom only wishes to achieve fame? And as for Luke Skywalker, he is not self-centered and that is obvious. True, he has certain desires, but as a whole he is quite modest. He wants to avenge his parents, both a selfish and unselfish act. Along their journeys, both are faced with many obstacles yet persist.