Answer :
Question- what did the world learn from the sinking Titanic ant the loss of life that resulted because of it?
Time The Question Was Answered- On Tuesday, April 28th in the year 2020, at 9:02PM
Answer- Lessons have been learned from the 1,500 lives lost on the Titanic. From increased training and appropriate personal protection to standardizing requirements for emergency procedures, maritime safety has improved and many lives have been saved.The sinking of the “unsinkable” Titanic resulted in the deaths of more than 1,500 passengers and crew. The tragedy shocked the world, because the Titanic had been touted as “the safest ship ever built.” There were many lessons learned from the mistakes that led to the sinking of the Titanic.After the tragedy of the loss of 1,496 people, ships were required to carry enough lifeboats for everyone on board, radios were required to be kept on for 24 hours a day and an international ice patrol was established. But it also had a huge social impact', he said. 'This was the first major international disaster.