Abraham Lincoln said, the issues of the Lincoln-Douglas debates would be discussed long after "these poor tongues of Judge Douglas and myself shall be silent." What were the short term and long term effects of the Lincoln-Douglas debates?What conflict occurs after the Kansas-Nebraska Act and why?

Answer :



a.) The short term and long term effects of the Lincoln-Douglas debates will determine the viability of the union

b.) Violence erupted, with the anti-slavery forces led by John Brown. The territory earned the nickname "bleeding Kansas" as the death toll rose

Explanation: The short term and long term effects of the Lincoln-Douglas debates would determine the ability of the Democratic party to maintain unity in the face of the divisive sectional and slavery issues, and some were convinced it would determine the viability of the Union itself.

Afer the Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed each territory to decide the issue of slavery on the basis of popular sovereignty, Violence erupted, with the anti-slavery forces led by John Brown. The territory earned the nickname "bleeding Kansas" as the death toll rose. Because Kansas with slavery violated the Missouri Compromise, which had kept the Union from falling apart for the last thirty-four years. The long-standing compromise would have to be repealed.

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