
"I have come to the conclusion that I am allergic to strawberries," I said to my mother.
"What gave you that bright idea, Chelsea?" Mom asked, drying her hands.
"I have this red rash on my arm and my stomach hurts," I said.
Mom turned from washing the dishes and said, "Let me look at your arm."
"Mom told you to stop eating all those strawberries, but you didn't listen," Nedra chimed in.
Little sisters, I thought to myself. They're only good for borrowing things without asking and chiming in at the wrong moment.
"Is it my fault I'm tempted by these delicious berries? They're so fresh and ripe and. . . ."
Mother began rubbing my arm with a wet rag. The redness disappeared. "Good news, Chelsea. You do not have an allergy, you have a strawberry juice stain."
"Then, why does my stomach hurt?" I asked.
"Well, you've eaten too many strawberries. I told you to stop."
What words from the above passage tell the reader that it is written in first person?
"to," "is," and "third"
"arms," "bright," and "idea"
"I," "me," and "my"
"fresh," "ripe," and "berries"

Answer :



C. "I," "me," and "my"


"I," "me," and "my" are all first person pronouns. First person can also be called the I/We perspective as the story is being told by one of the characters/someone in the story, rather than an outside perspective.


Well, I think the best answer will be is "arms," "bright," and "idea". Because, The mother is telling her daughter she have a bad rash in her arms, And daughter is telling her mother that her stomach hurts. And, The mother tells her that you ate too much strawberry. Good Luck!


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