
Imagine that you are having a group discussion. One student has been talking for a long time, and he does not seem to be stopping. You are getting impatient. You want to tell one of your ideas before you forget it. What is the best approach you would take as an active listener? Ignore the person speaking. Raise my hand to show I’m ready, then start talking. Write down my idea, raise my hand, and wait for the moderator to call on me. Speak up to tell the person that he has to stop talking, and ask who else agrees.

Answer :


I would say the correct answer to show that you are actively listening would to quickly write your idea and then raise your hand.



If I am having a group discussion and there is a speaker who would not stop talking while I have something to say, I will Write down my idea, raise my hand, and wait for the moderator to call on me.

When having group discussions, it is very important to maintain decorum. Proper decorum entails that two people do not talk at the same time.

if someone is speaking while you want to make a contribution, the best thing to do will be to write down your idea, raise your hand to show that you want to speak, and then wait for the moderator to call on you.

So, option C is correct.

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