
1) The virus that primarily infects cells of the immune system and that causes AIDS ____ _____ _____
2) The disease that is caused by HIV infection, which weakens the immune system ____ _____ _____
3) A disease that spreads quickly through human populations all over the world is called a ________________
4) The (white blood cell) that activates that immune response and that is primary target cell of HIV infection
__________ ____________
5) An (illness) due to an organism that causes disease in people with weakened immune systems ____ ____
6) A stage of an infection in which the infectious agent is present but there are few or no symptoms
________________________ ________
7) A (antibody test) that detects HIV antibodies to determine if a person has been infected with HIV is known as an
______ ___________________ ______
8) Describes a person who test positive in (2) different HIV tests ________ ______________
9) An AIDS treatment program in which patients regularly take more than one drug ________ ____________ _______
10) ________________ is the only method that is (100 percent effective) in preventing the sexual transmission
of HIV

Critical Thinking:
Propose possible ways that teens can help reduce the rate of HIV infection among teens.

Answer :


1) Human immunodeficiency Virus

2) Acquired Immune Deficiency

3) Pandemic

4) T cells


6) asymptomatic stage

7) HIV-antibody test

8) HIV Positive

9) drug combination therapy

10) Condoms


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