
The dermal layer is the layer of the plant.
The dermal layer is like human .
The dermal layer has a waxy barrier called the .
allow for gas exchange and regulate water loss.
The dermal layer’s main function is .

Answer :


1. The dermal layer of the plant is known as epidermis which is outermost thin layer of plants where stomata are found.

2. The dermal layer is like  epidermis in human skin which is also a outermost layer and provides a waterproof barrier .

3.  The waxy barrier in the epidermis of plant leaf is called the cuticle act as a protective layer and prevent water loss.

4. Stomata are the tiny pores present on the surface of leaves that control the exchange of gases (CO2 and O2) and regulate water loss by opening and closing.

5. The main function of dermal layer (epidermis) is to protect the soft tissues of plants and regulate its interaction with surrounding. Dermal layer act as outermost layer and protect plant leaf and also secret the cuticle that inhibits water loss.


The dermal layer is the outermost layer of the plant.

The dermal layer is like human skin.

The dermal layer has a waxy barrier called the cuticle.

Guard cells allow for gas exchange and regulate water loss.

The dermal layer's main function is protection.


Got it all correct in edg 2021

hope this is of help :)

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