A catalog store has 9% of its orders returned for a refund. The owner predicts that a new candle will have 1,284 returns out of the 16,496 sold. Do you agree with this prediction? Select from the drop down menu the words and numbers into the statements to complete the explanation.

I ? with the owner's prediction. The experimental prediction is that ? candles out of 16,496 will be returned. The owner's prediction is ? .

Answer :


I disagree with the owner's prediction. The experimental prediction is that 7.78% of  candles out of 16,496 will be returned . The owner's prediction is not accurate

Step-by-step explanation:

Firstly,the experimental prediction involves using present knowledge to predict the outcomes of independent or dependent prediction.

Here,the independent variables is the sales volume while the returns,the dependent variable is based on sales.

Returns as % of sales=1,284/16,496=7.78%

This implies disagreement with owner's prediction of 9%

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