Answer :
Yes. I do believe that having a positive attitude about our current situation helps with over coming the struggles of it all.
i once had a negative out look on this online school but now that we've reached the end (at my school I've recognized it wasn't too bad after all while doing the work I've learned it helps to listen to some music or watch an video or two from one of my favorite you-tubers and also talking to my friends through apps.
hope this helps.
Answer: well both.
Both because we naturally have a negative and positive outlook for certain things. Ut we can control how we feel about the the thing we are having a positive or negative outlook. If we choose to dislike something we are choosing to have a negative outlook on the object. It vise versa with positive. But what i do is try to see what i don't like about it and what i do. And which one ways heaver. But help with negative time i would write poems on how i feel or just listen to music that i can relate to. But these feelings can impact how you live but before you judged it you should try see what wrong with first and what good with who know you might like it.