
will give branlyest, needs to be in french.
Pretend you work at a sporting goods store. Customers come to ask you about various items you sell. As you show them the various products, ask each customer which product they prefer. Each of your responses should include a proper form of quel. Use the following example to help you.

Example: Un gant de baseball.

Your response: Quel gant désirez-vous?

1. Les chaussures (f)

2. Un ballon

3. Une raquette de tennis

Answer :



I dont know if that's it, but at least I am trying.


Les chaussures = Quels chaussures desirez vous?

Un ballon = Quel ballon desirez vous?

Une raquette de tennis = Quelle raquette desirez vous?

J'espere que ca aide.

the anwser below was correct but if you want to “upgrade” your sentence here
1. Les chaussures: Parmi notre grande selection de chaussures lequelles desirez-vous?

2.Un ballon: Parmi notre grande selection de ballons, lequels desirez-vous?

3.Raquette: Parmi notre grande selection de raquettes, lequelles desirez-vous?

hope this helps

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