Answer :
How essential is photosynthesis to nature and what does it do?
Are plants still necessary to photosynthesize if scientists can create oxygen?
Do you think that in the distant future people are the ones creating breathable air thus leaving plants photosynthesis unwanted? Can plants evolve into something else then?
What is the difference in cellular respiratory of mankind/land creatures and aquatic creatures?
Is it possible for land humans to regain the ability of to breath under water? (lol i have this weird belief that for some reason i do think that humans can breathe in water we just forgot how to do so. my source can be when we are in mothers womb where unborn babies develop and remain alive without air and only water in it or nutrients idk) Will humans respiratory system change or will it remain the same?
How essential is cellular respiratory and what does it do?
This is all I can think of sorry i took so long